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Domestic & Commercial Wheelie Bin Cleaning Services

Tidy Green Clean acquires Bin-Cleaned

Andrew Alleway and David Moncur, owners of Tidy Green Clean have acquired Aberdeen-based Bin-Cleaned from Mike McNee, who started the business in 2014. Tidy Green Clean, the leading environmentally friendly commercial cleaning business that operates on a franchise model, have plans to take the business national.

Bin-Cleaned formally relaunched as Bin Cleaned Commercial & Residential on 1 November 2020 and will see its residential service expanded with more routes offered, together with a larger commercial offering introduced during the first quarter of 2021.


Andrew Alleway & David Moncur

Bin Cleaned Commercial & Residential provides regular cleaning for wheelie bins across residential areas of Aberdeen, to ensure they’re sparkling and hygienically clean, with an environmental focus and an efficient service.

Andrew Alleway, one of the new owners, said,

“We saw tremendous opportunities in Bin Cleaned and we have plans to bring it under the Tidy Green Clean umbrella over the next few months. We’re excited to get to know Bin Cleaned’s existing customers and we believe they’re going to be interested and pleased with all the planned innovations to the service we will be bringing to them in the first half of 2021.”

Tidy Green Clean uses digital, cloud-based technology to support its administration and operations and in time, Bin Cleaned will also benefit from a more streamlined approach that will make the cleaning schedule and payment options a lot easier for its customers.


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